Reasons to buy a Louis Vuitton bag
Louis Vuitton is undoubtedly one of the most popular luxury handbag brands in the world, and not without reason. Their bags are fashionable, durable, and timeless.
Here are 4 reasons to invest in a Louis Vuitoon handbag now, if you haven’t already.
Incredible value for money
Louis Vuitton bags can last for decades, (especially the canvas ones) and are relatively cheaper than other designer brands like Chanel or Dior. Also they have high resale value, like many other designer bags. This means you can make money off of fashion!
No need to be delicate
Louis Vuitton canvas bags can be thrown around without a care. The material used was originally made for travel gear, so it’s extremely sturdy. Your bag will sustain no scratches, and you can toss it around however you want without the fear of damage.
Personalise it
Louis Vuitton stores can personalise your bags for you. They have monogram services, can add splashes of colours, and even engrave your initials onto your bag to make it more yours.
Brilliant quality
We’ve already established the durability and sturdiness of a LV bag, but this is reiterating that these bags can last you a lifetime. If you don’t buy a Zara, or any off-brand bag twice a season, you’d have saved up enough money to buy yourself a Louis Vuitton Neverfall in 5 years, and that is a one time investment.
If your designer handbag is breaking, Fixperts Shop provides bag repair services in Dubai. We can replace zips and bag straps with authentic substitutes, with guaranteed quality. We also repair and stitch inner linings of handbags. Contact us on our Toll Free number today, at – 80081, or visit our office on Level 2, Mall of the Emirates, Dubai.