What to do if you lose your car keys
In a world as fast-paced as ours, we’re more prone to forgetting things – like where we kept our car keys. In older times, with older cars, it was easy to have a spare tucked into the glove compartment, or lying around at home. Now, however, with technological advancement, replacing a car key can involve several steps, becoming an expensive affair.
There are several different types of car keys, and replacing each of them involves different steps.
1. Traditional car key
This one is fairly straightforward, with a metal key that needs to be turned, to start the ignition. It’s manual, and although not as common as it used to be, it’s easy to replace.
You can call us at Fixperts Shop, with our Repair on Wheels service to help you in an emergency!
2. Car key fobs
These are automatic attachments to your car key that can help lock and unlock your car. Since these key fobs are detached from your mechanical key, it shouldn’t be an issue if you lose them. You can still use your key to lock and start the car, and the fob is easily available.
3. Key fob and Switchblade key
As newer car models started coming out, car manufacturers combined the fob and mechanical key. This has both the button-unlock mechanism, as well as a spring loaded key that folds in like a switchblade.
These keys are not easy to find or replace, and you’ll have to approach your car dealership store to get it replaced.
4. Transponder key
Transponder keys were invented around 30 years ago, as an anti-theft device. They are keys with a computer chip that form a wireless connection between the key and the car before starting ignition. If you lose these, it is an expensive affair to replace. You will have to get your car towed to the dealership and prove ownership before getting a replacement.
5. Smart key
Smart keys are entirely wireless, and are basically used to lock and unlock the car through a proximity sensor. These cars have keyless ignition – the car starts by pressing a button on the dash. If you lose this, replacement isn’t easy or cheap. Like the Transponder key, you’ll have to get it towed and prove ownership to get a new one.
If you’ve lost your car keys, house keys, or just need an extra pair look no further. Fixperts Shop offers various key making and repair services in Dubai. We make replacement keys of all sorts, and customise them with engraving services, as well. Contact us on our Toll Free number today, at – 80081, or visit our office on Level 2, Mall of the Emirates, Dubai.